Time sheets management is now online!
A- Benefits of using time sheets
Timesheet management allows you to:
1- Punch in entry and exit hours or the number of hours per day
Nubis automatically adds up the number of hours per day based on all entry/exit hours entered. Nubis then converts the total number of hours in decimal numbers.
2- Identify different elements of payroll
Using timesheets will help you track:
hours affected to specific tasks
sick days paid
holidays or vacations
timebank spent
3- Apply business rules for overtime and timebank hours
Establish your own business rules at your company or employee level to have Nubis calculate time and a half, double time and timebank hours automatically. Daily and weekly maximum can be configured independently.
4- Assign tasks to employees
When entering time sheets, assigning tasks to employees allows you to split your general ledger entries based on the type of work each employee does.
5- Integrated with electronic punch clock.
Speeds up the time sheet entries by automating the process. Additional validation rules can be applied using the electronic punch clock, such as lunch time, or automatic punch out.
6- Approve time sheets
Time sheets can be approved in batch or one by one for validation. Once approved, time sheets are automatically transferred to the payroll module for ease of use. By using your business rules, Nubis automatically determines overtime to be paid and time to be put in banks.
B Who can benefit from time sheets useage?
All Nubis 50 subscriber (and users on the free trial version) have access to the time sheets module and can begin using it right now.
To activate this function, you simply have to enable it under your Company section. Consult our support center